They did not think it was the big deal I thought it was as evidenced here in this photo.
My older daughter has attracted a boy's attention. This is the same boy that she went on her first date with. There has been a lot of other girls for him and a lot of flirting and dancing around their interest in each other. Today, he showed up at the recital with L's bf and one of his friends. To my surprise, the three of them sat with us. My hubby and I were impressed they showed up for as much as we love to watch our girls on stage, dance recitals last up to 3 hours and for the most part are boooriing. My husband has been known to doze off and require an elbow in the side when one of his babies is in the performance. These guys dutifully watched the entire event, with the aid of the bf who helpfully pointed out all the numbers L and her little sister were in.
Perhaps the most momentous event was the break in tradition by my older daughter. In the past we've all gone out for a celebratory dinner after the big show. Tonight, she went to dinner with her friends leaving me feeling a bit cast off. Probably because I have been cast off in favor of a teenage boy and a bf. Which, I fully realize, is as it should be. So, off the three of us went; me, hubby and our baby girl to eat sushi and Coldstone. During dinner, our youngest said "This is how it will be after next year-just the three of us."

But they can only do that because they know they have a safe refuge they can run to if they need. And they keep coming back ...!
Thanks for visiting and your lovely comment.
Oh but you will, my will!
And it will be okay. Like you said, this is as it should be. Although it is so hard on the Mom!
Just sent Shawn on his way to beach week. He's gone to camp before but he was supervised. Now...he's his own supervision. Driving 8 hours with two guys in the back watching movies, eating the cinnamon buns I made for them this morning. Sigh...
We'll just prop each other up, won't we???!!!
Ah, yes. The momentous letting go moments!!! Those are difficult. My boys both got married in the same year!!! One in March, the other in October. From October until Christmas, I didn't cook a meal and home and didn't even realize it until a friend at work commented to my I-didn't-feel-like-cooking remark, "You know you haven't cooked at home since R got married!! I was astounded! But it was true. The letting go does happen, but they still need you. Just in a different way!!
wow! your girls are beautiful! and as i read your post, i know that one day, i will be feeling cast off,too. bittersweet, i guess!
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