The weekend went by in a big blur! J was home from NYC for the weekend to attend a film festival on Saturday. I had a wedding to attend 2 hours away. I took my youngest daughter with me and hubby attended L's ballet recital. Then SD and his girlfriend came for the neighbor's son's graduation party which they attended after their various events. Did I mention it was my hubby's birthday also? Five of us were able to take him out to breakfast and give him some birthday cards before heading off to our various points.
Sunday, hubby and I had nursery duty at church while J took SD back to town to go to work. Our fab five went to brunch and then went home and relaxed. The weather was beautiful. I got plants potted on the deck (the only kind of gardening I seem to have any luck with at all) and called my daddy. Hubby grilled steaks on the grill in the afternoon and then he and I took J to catch the bus back to NYC. The bus station is right across the street from where SD works so we were able to go in and say hi and by. Hubby was glad he got to see all his kids on father's day. Even though it was hectic, it was nice to have everyone around.

I took this picture after J got on the bus. If he knew I took a picture of the bus he was on, he'd never let me go to the bus station to see him off again.
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