Hopefully, I won't get that far behind.
Thanksgiving weekend was pleasant. No company to cook for, which, I confess, is a blessing for me because I stress over the preparations. My oldest son brought his girlfriend. She's from Houston and couldn't go home for the holiday. (I discovered that her family goes to the same church as Beth Moore.) Wednesday night, we played Beyond Balderdash, a family favorite. My second son wouldn't join us as his girlfriend refuses to come to our home. After the game, the older and his girl visited with the younger and his girl at the younger's place. To make his mama happy, they came home when I asked them to.
Thursday morning I was the first one up and had my coffee and quiet time before sticking the turkey in the oven. My hubby came down about 10 and we didn't see anyone else until 12:30 pm. I cooked at a leisurely pace for dinner at 3. It was nice. My prodigal showed up right at 3 and stayed until his girlfriend called and told him to come home. The rest of us played pictionary and went to the movies. My hubby, the girls and I went to see Enchanted. We enjoyed it.
God has given my family so much to be thankful for and all those things were at the fore on Thanksgiving. The most important blessing is His presence in our lives and the confidence we can have that He is working it all for good.

Well, Kathy, I'm happy the prodigal was with you for a bit. I'm sure it was disappointing that he wasn't with all of you the entire time. I don't even have the words to give to you, but please know that my heart ached for the pain I could feel in your post.
Much love, Susan
sounds like a fine thanksgiving to me. you set a beautiful table and the turkey looks absolutely yummy.
we really have so much to be thankful for don't we?!
take care ~janel
Hey there Kathy,
I can sense the sadness with your son---I once heard someone say that a mother is only as happy as her saddest child.
I pray that God will restore him to his family, quickly. I pray for peace for you and hubs, too.
Much love,
I am glad that you had a good Thanksgiving! I am going to pray for that one who don't want to come to your house...
Hope to hear more from you soon! Love ya Princess to Princess
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