Thursday, August 28, 2008

A better day

Yesterday was kinda stressful. I had a test that's been rumoured to be painful at the ob/gyn. And God was good, as usual. First of all, I liked the doc. She was only a little younger than me-late 40ish-and listened well. Even though she didn't say "I don't think you need the test" she was very comforting about what it involved and how painful it might actually be as opposed to what I may have heard. I'm thinking "I can do this!" As I'm sitting on the table without my pants waiting for the doctor to return, the technician comes in and gets out medical stuff like scissors, giant swabs, and a bowl. I began to have a panic attack and thought "No, not doing this after all." My pants are not that far away and nobody is around. But then God said "You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you." So I thought "Well, Lord, better get to strengthening." Which He did. The doctor also came in just then and even though she's doing a test in which I am in a compromised position, I didn't want her to see me going across the room without my pants on. She just went about it with an of course you are having the test done attitude, leaving me with no good way out. There is no telling how God will do His strengthening. In the end, the test wasn't so painful, just made me feel a little sick to my stomach afterward.
Then I had an eye doctor appointment to see why the pupil in my left eye is constricted when the pupil in my right eye is not. I'm having to put drops in the left for high optic pressure. I previously knew nothing about optic pressure but now know more than I care to. Anyway, on a shopping trip with my girls, L suddenly looked at me and said "Mom! Your eyes look really freaky!" so I called and asked if it was the medicine and my doctor wasn't there and the other doctor said no, it isn't the medicine and come in and see your doctor. So after the ob/gyn, I went and sat for a very long time in the waiting room of the eye doctor. At last, he came in, looked at my pupils and said "It's the medicine." The tech who told me to come in said "But Dr XYZ said it wasn't!" And my doc said "Well, he doesn't know everything." I laughed myself silly and said "Then I'm glad you're my doctor".
This morning I awoke to grey cloudy skies. It's finally raining after a long dry spell. It's going to be a better day.


Susan said...

Hey there. Thinking about you and praying for you!

It IS gonna be a better day! I am so loving this rain and the clouds. Not because I find it depressing, but because I find it soothing...comforting. Weird? Maybe. Lol.

Hugs and blessings, friend.


PJ said...

Love when the doctors don't agree. Especially on the phone!!! Thank goodness everything is okay.

He Knows My Name said...

kathy, i have a prayer request on my blog. thanks. i'll be in touch. janel