We put up her loft bed and took our her princess bed. When we asked her what to do with her princess bed she said she didn't care. I, on the other hand, thought and thought about how to hang on to it. Ultimately, we gave it away. I immediately regretted that decision. I was not ready but nobody asks me if I'm ready before they start growing themselves up.
She's beautiful!
I was wondering what it was like seeing the Olympics after actually having been there.
She does look quite the young lady. And I have to agree, they grow up too fast. I keep telling my granddaughter that I'm going to place a rock on head so she'll quit growing...keeping the young toys/furniture might work too!!! Sigh! I guess we just have to let them grow up!!!
Oh wow!! She looks gorgeous. Watch out, Mom. This lil one is growing up fast. Ouch!
Much luck,
She's a Katie Holmes look-a-like.
One day they are loving their Princess beds...the next day they are loving their Prince.
ouch! i hate to admit this, but it is true, i have so many "princess and prince" items everywhere that i don't know what to do, can't seem to make the decision, and who gets them? and will they appreciate them? do they deserve my memories that go along with them? i'd be thankful for the kids to decide for me. ugh. i feel trapped.
the hair is cute cute cute!!!
praying today! janel
She is so pretty! and yes, that is a very sophisticated hairdo! Off topic: I wanted to let you know I'm posting tomorrow about how to post your own video for "I See What You're Saying," if that would be of interest to you. I hope you can join in the fun.
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