Friday, August 1, 2008


We've been home from Myrtle Beach for 12 hours and already the Yeah I'm Home feeling is ppfffting right out of me.
L is having her senior pictures taken today. ppfft
I never did find a dress to wear to this wedding. Believe me, I looked. I wanted something that was weddingish and didn't accentuate my mature woman's body. I couldn't find a one. Dresses must be out in general because the one's I saw and the few I tried on shall I say it..ugly. Nor did I find shoes to go with the dress I decided to wear (which has been hanging in my closet for two years unworn because I bought it on clearance from Coldwater Creek online and it was a tad outdated even then). ppfft
Worry about S is edging in. I talked to him before we left and he said he was all scratched up and banged up from "play fighting" with a guy at work. So. Since when do 20 year olds play fight? He said he wanted to stay over tonight and make sure he's ready and here to leave for the wedding but he hasn't answered my texts or called or made contact. ppfft
I have a medical test looming out there on Tuesday which, by all accounts, is painful. I could not have it I guess. I'm grown. ppfft
I promised our youngest that she could cut her hair after competition and teenager up her room. She's already started asking WHEN are we getting my new room? my haircut? ppfft
Precious 19 year old K is getting married tomorrow. That's not exactly a ppfft but it causes a little nostalgic heartache.
Okay, that's over. I feel much better.


PJ said...

Yes that wedding dress search will suck it right out of you. Mine were married at 19 too. But apparently they knew more than I -- 15 years later and they're still happily married .... and with an 8 yr old and a 6 year old!


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

WOW-you are having A LOT going on! I'm going to come back and see how the wedding went. Just try to focus on the meaning of the uniting, but I know, it's hard sometimes. I'm praying that you will have the Lord's peace and feel his love in a tangible way.

Susan said...

Hey there. Sending you major cyber hugs! Will def be adding S back into my regular prayers. Apparently that boy (and his momma) needs them! As do all of our children, I know, I know.

Seems like everyone came back from the beach raring to go...and proceeded to suck the joy right out of you. I hate's like you never had a vacation at all.

Hoping and praying that the month of August will be calm and relaxing for you...okay, maybe just calm.

Thinking about you this morning...


He Knows My Name said...

think of it this saved yourself alot of money not finding a dress or shoes...just trying to help. the kids do look great together. makes me think i need one of my two. the one i have was taken probably back in 2000.

thouartloosed said...

Yeah, the dress worked fine and I ended up taking the shoes off at the reception anyway!